Thursday, March 31, 2011


okay..harini my mom,my dad and my sis pergi SABAHAN utk melancong!!!WAAA!
jelessss gua..tapi nak buat mcm mane..SPM sini..SPM sana..itulah..inilah..
haih..!whatever pon..harini ak bengkek betol dengan satu manusia yg dikategorikan GARANG
kat skolah..die boleh condemn kami yg innocent nih..adoyai..x tau la nak cakap ape..
walaupon kami x buat salah..mulut memang nak kene chili kott..x de insurans..
meh ak buat insurans mulut utk ko..nak?sabar je la..terasa bhaii.bise+menyengat..
mcm lebahh..whatever pon..dont take it to your heart...just ignored it..
back to real life..three of us kene masak la nampak nye..tunggang terbalik dapur tuhh..!
hahaa..just me n my twins n my sis ader kat rumah..
today at school..nothing much happened BORING!...huhu
day by day..gettin' matured..i guess?haha..
LOL..piles of homework need to settle caucincau..

byebye my dear READERS! u all lah!<3<3<3

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


harini ader ape yek??ooohh..baru aku ingat..harini ader koko kat school..hehe
ermm..nak citer waktu CLUB tadik memang gempak la..time main tunang,kawin,cerai..
rocks kan aku n ain..:D..perasan je..kami yg menghandle kamoo semua junior..
biase la senior yg berwibawa..haha...besides that,actually ak nak citer benda lain..
aku nak citer timeSCIENCE tadi..bapak arrr best kottt!tdi kami pon buat la experiment..
pasal fermentation(penapaian)..after da buat2 tuhh..cikgu soh tengok buku balik..
lepas tu kiteorang pon study dengan khusyuk x berape khusyuk tuhh..
after that..lepas bape minit tuhh..bubble makin meninggi kat dlm conical flask tuhh..
cuak la ape lagi...mcm valcano keluarkan larva dahh..da la colour die colour brown..
letak yeast..cloudy...lepas tuhh cikgu pon berkate..
'ni mesti salah seorang dari kamu x mandi lagi ni''kami pon...berkate
'mane ader cikgu'...lepas tu seisi kelas gelak terbahak2..memang funny la time tuhh..
x kan dilupe kenangan di LAB..haha.. all for u all..

Friday, March 25, 2011

bersuke RIA!

hello!hey!hai!hoy!yeah READERS...
haha..harini baru nak update my beloved blog..
semalam hari jumaat i hang out with my mama n my twins..
kami beronggeng lah ape mum teringin nak mkn kat saypool..
so pegi la saypool tuhh ha,,after mkn..nampak kat miera tu ha,,
baru nak tanye result die..belom tanye pon lagi die pun berkate..
".hang datang sini nak tanye result akk..x payah r"..lepas tu ak pon tergelak2..
sengal tau tau je..hehe..xpe one day i will find out..
then kami pun bergerak lah ke jj na tengok midnight movie kat wayang..hee..
ROCKS kan my mummy..mcm org mude la my mummy..mulenye ak ni ha nak tengok merong tu..lepas tu 
my mummy ckp.."ibu da tengok cter tu"..waa!my mummy tengok dulu dari me..jeles nye..
xpe la hajat x kesampaian..lepas tu kami pon tengok la cter battle los invansion..
cter tuhh star kol kiteorang pon round2 satu jj tuhh..lepas tu gi karok..
lepas tu ak terserempak pulak dengan azeera n madu..hehe..sengal je..ak pun bertanye kat zeera..
si A**** tu dpt bape.?die pon kate si A**** tuhh dapat straight A's for spm la..giler gempak doe!
bile ak tanye si a**** tuhh kate rahsia la bagai...kantoi da..ak da tau..wek3..congrats!
after da round baby round,,kami pun naik keatas sekali..jj pon da tutup waktu tuhh..huhu..
kat dlm wayang..BAPAK SEJUK NAK MATI DOE..da la ak x bawak sweater..memang la..
cter die best la..x rugi tengokk kott..hehe..after habis jehh tengok cter tuhh..ak pon tengok jam da menunjukkan pukul 1.13 AM..<3..haha..keluar dari jj tu gune tangge,,.sbb tu je yg boleh gune..
keluar je dari pintu keluar jj tuhh..ak pun melihat pemandangan pukul 1 pagi lebihh..
lihatlah pon da tido..gelap la gak..hee..cume kedai mamak depan tuhh je x reti nak tido..
huhauhaua..whatever pon..MY MUMMY memang rock...!yeah man!

k..bye2 readers!

p/s: peace no war..hehe..

catch me!

Before i fall to fast...Kiss me quick, but make it last
So I can see how badly this will hurt me
When you say goodbye

Keep it sweet, keep it slow
Let the future pass, and don't let go
But tonight I could fall too soon
Into this beautiful moonlight

But you're so hypnotizing
You've got me laughing while I sing, you've got me smiling in my sleep
And I can see this unraveling
Your love is where I'm falling, but please don't catch me

See this heart won't settle down
Like a child running scared from a clown
I'm terrified of what you do
My stomach screams just when I look at you

Run far away so I can breathe
Even though you're far from suffocating me
I can't set my hopes too high
'Cause every hello ends with a goodbye

But you're so hypnotizing
You've got me laughing while I sing, you've got me smiling in my sleep
And I can see this unraveling
Your love is where I'm falling, but please don't catch me

So now you see why I'm scared
I can't open up my heart without a care
But here I go, it's what I feel
And for the first time in my life I know it's for real

But you're so hypnotizing
You've got me laughing while I sing, you've got me smiling in my sleep
And I can see this unraveling
Your love is where I'm falling so please don't catch me

If this is love, please don't break me
I'm giving up so just catch me

Demi Lovato <3

Thursday, March 24, 2011


salam READERS...
kali ni ak nak ckp pasal BUNUH DIRI!berat kan tajuk ni???
kenape org nak bunuh diri sebagai option dlm hidup..x de care lain ke?
gunelah otak sikit..dont be too emosional..think  rational!bodoh la ko gune care bunuh diri tuhh!
ko ingat kalo ko bunuh diri habis selesai masalah?mcm tuhh?haisy..x phm ak der..
kalo gadoh ngn kawan pon ko nak bunuh diri ke?bkn berat sangat masalah tuhh!
banyak masalah lain yg lagi berat..memang ak being sarcastic sekarang nihh..sebab ak x suke kalo ko bgi statement bengong tuhh..kata2 koe tu doa la bhaii..x payah der ckp mcm tuhh..
kalo ader masalah..face to face la..x pyh nak pendam2.marabahaye..
kawan biar beribu..kasih biar satu..ingat tu!xkan kalo ko hilang satu kawan ko dah nak mati da kott!
x rugi sangat ponn..kawan boleh dicari..tula..bila ak soh citer..ko x nak..lepas tu nak pendam2 lak..
kalo rase xpuas hati ckp..ak bukan nak marah..cuma nak bagi nasihat org yg x sedar2 lagi.
masih dlm mimpi..nak ak curah air kat muke koe ke biar bagi sedar???pikir okay..pikir..
as a friend..its my responsibility to advice if u done something wrong kay..
ko nak marah aku lepas nih sebab ak advice koe..lantak koe least,,
ak da cube nak bgi kesedaran sivik kat koee..i love my friends..i just want to help my friends..
if koe  x suke care ak..suke hati koe la..ko punye pasal..
hope koe x terase hati sangat..

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

today's topic about SPM!!!tadi sis2 senior ambil slip SPM..
memang nervous la kan..tapi at last dpt jgak la..
ader yg menngis kegembiraan n ader jgak yg menangis kesedihan la kott..
sabar jela ye kakak2 ku sekaliann..perjalanan kamu jauh lagi..bkn terhenti disini..cewaahh!
boleh jadi pakar motivasi x???ke hanceus ak t?hehe..
akk ak pon SPM leavers..die dapat berape?nak kene bagitau ke??
die dpt enam je..alhamdulillah..n tadi ak jmpe ramai org..
AZEERA!thanks sbb belanje kiterong mkn MCD..jasamu dikenang..hehe..7 a's kan?

kay READERS!bye2..

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


hey READERS!!berjumpa kembali..haha
ni nak ckp ni..bahawa...
tommorow never dies..haha
esok adalah hari yg mendebarkan..akk2 senior ni
nak ambil result SPM die doe!ak yg seram..
mesti bnyak drama dan airmata yg akn keluar kan?
airmata keluar sebab ape ea?kegembiraan?kesedihan?
hurmm..just wait n see..esok adalah hari penentuan..
huiyoo!next year ak pulak yg mengambil slip SPM...
takotnyer,,,so just study hard and study smart!
huuhhu..k.r bye2 READERS!
take care..n have a nice day!

p/s:kakakku jua akn mengambil slip spm esok..!lalaaala~

Monday, March 21, 2011

heyhoy READERS!!!
harini kat skolah..yela..kan da start balik skola.huh!
dapat paper exam..penat la nak menghadap paper3 yg berlambak tuhh semue..
tadi kelas kami telah ditukarkan ke 1st floor!yeah man!at last..
yela...hari2 nak naik tangge tingkat ats tingkat 4 tuhh..
lepas ni da tak payah da..best3!capek dong!
tapi ak nak jgak meja2 dan barang2 dlm kelas kami balik..buruk doe kelas bwah nihh..
sorry to say la..class kami yg dulu lgi cantikss dri skrg..
coz kiterang da ceriakan tau..ceria la sangat kan?haha
so kene ambik semua barang balik..
 ak da soh da adik kwan ak soh kimsalam kat budak H****** tuhh!
hee..cute doe!kantoi plak die tau sape kmslm kat die..cehh!
ape la adik kawan aktuhh!
ader ke die reveal identity ak..!nak kene nih..!haha
so tujela..ak nak storry morry..
k la bye READERS yg tersayang..nanti i update2 lagi ea ape yg patot..
bye..take care..


story morry PART 2~!

ni nak kepoci jual laici balik nih..hehe
lepas mencapap kat lib tuhh..ak pon
mule lak bergerak pegi TERM ni ha..
coz my mum n my sista ada kat sane..soh jmpe sana la bagai..
kami pon naik la wayang nak tengok merong pnye pasal..tapi da terMISSED..!
memangggg ak suke doee..asyik nak tengok je x dapat..:(
then,pergi la jj..mase tuhh da pukul 5 pm kott..pegi la tgv tu..
lepas tu x jadi..coz showtime yg berikutnye pukul 7pm n 8.30pm..
xkan nak gi tengok kott..da la hari ahad..esokye nak skola..haihh!
ni cancel tu cancell.lastly pegi makan..perut pon da berkecorong da..ehh!silap!
bkn berkkecorong..tapi berkeroncong la..hihi..rapp doe..x tahan tol..
pegi la kfc..finger lickin good..huhu..
mkn punye mkn..lepask pnye lepak..jalan pnye jalan..
jam di tangan menunjukkan pukul 8.30..than my mum kate 
adik jom pegi jemput kak lang kat tesco..aduhh!
baru nak menyiapkan keje skola ak yg terbelangkai..tapi x pe..
so pegi la sane..sambil tengok akk ak keje sambil ak buat keje account..
keje tusyen yg x penah nak habis tu..
lepas tu bnyak la adegan2 yg berlaku yg malas ak nak taip..sorry READERS!

okay lar..tujela ak nak citer..
sepanjang hari x de kat rumah..hang out!yeah man!
bubbye READERS ku yg tersayang..
thanks sebab mengrajinkan diri membace,..


story morry!PART 1

hello READERS!
sorry la harini baru nak meng UPDATEkan blogku...huuhu
sebab semalam i sibuk la honey bunny..nak tau why i sibuk..?
begini ceritanye.. ceritanya bermula..
semalam lepas i pergi tusyen..konon2nye nak belajar la..
so sibuk la mencapurbkan diri di library..
lepas tu my friend FATHI tu nak pergi makan lak die..lapar la..bagai..
so kiteorang pun berjalan beriiringan ke secret recipe..cewahh..
lepas dok makan2..borak2..text2..hee..dah ternampak kat sebelah SR tu 
RUBY..karoeke la..ape lagi..rindu killer nak karokae at last dpt jgak,..
kaminye ni bkannye karok sangat pon just banyak melalak, menjerit cam org gila..heehe
lepaskan gian..doe..
selepas itu kami pun kembali ke library..dengan malasnye..kerna terpakse..
ak pon pegi la siapkan kerje pakej percutian yg berlambak x terdaye ku buat tu..
Fathi n nabil lak pergi merendek pergi tengok merong..jeles ak..
kononye ak budak baik so belajar la..poyo je lebih..hehe
sedang ku I**** (name di privatekan)hee..kat sebelah meja ak doe..
ak da la sorang je..die pon dok sorang..kawan die kat meja lain..
budak I**** tu la kawan ak admire..gatai die kan?kan?x sedar ader BF tuhh..!
isy..isy..isy..ape nak jadi..btw,name BF die da la same dengan name budak I**** tuhh..
so banyak bende ak nak citer tapi nanti la ye..
got to go..
to be continued..hehe
byebye..READERS!<3 u..!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

read!read!wahai readers!

thanks 4 da comment yg u all berikan...
akan saya cuba perbaiki blog saya dari semasa ke semasa..hee
so please dont stop reading wahai READERS yg tersayangs!..
love u lots..and one more thing...
jadilah followers saya..yela..da alang2 masuk and read saya 
punye blog..rajin2 kan lah diri jadi readers yg setia..hee
tu je la...k..bubbye..tata titi tutu..

nite2 readers!


apa khabar?sihat?hehe
being scematic problematic..huhu
ni ak nak bagi sesi kaunseling..hehe
nak mengapplykan ape yg ak da belaja..

i know sometimes dlm hidup ni ada UPS and DOWN...
tak semestinye bile kite dah ada kat atas,,kite akn kekal..
dan tak semestinye bile kite kat bawah,,
kite akn stay forever kat bawah..thats not true..
NO way man!
hidup ni umpama RODA..kan?kan?
tak percaye?satu hari nanti anda semua pasti akn merasainya...
dont happy..
just follow with the flow..kay..
last but no least..NEVER SAY NEVER..

p/s: nak jgak letak bieber punye ayat..hehe..



READERS!taktau nak tulis ape..but just nak mentaip kan diri.hehe
rindu killer kat blog nih..n u too READERS!muah3..
ni ader satu pem utk u all my readers and friends..
hope u enjoy reading it..
i love you for not only who u are..but for what i am with u..
Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty.
Men kick friendship around like a football, but it doesn't seem to crack. Women treat it like glass and it goes to pieces."
Business, you know, may bring money, but friendship hardly ever does.
"Friendship is like money, easier made than kept.
A true friend is one who overlooks your failures and tolerates your success!

I am hoping these funny quotes about friendship help you have a good laugh. 
Cheers to an everlasting friendship!


hey READERS..!
i wanna share the sweet memories mase i kat camp PRS 2011!
its was awesome!really miss my friends..
mase camp ni..kami sebagai fasilitator sangat berusaha utk menjayakan camp ni..
at last..segala titik peluh..perit jerih..penat lelah..
dapat jgak good compliment dari guys!KEEP ROCKING!!
READERS!jgn jeles..haha.. ni i selitkan my pics utk ditatapi..cewahh!


ps/:nak promote..haha

love u wahai intan payung READERS!

hello!im back~!

im seriously back readers..sorry lama giler x update..busy..busy..busy..
i know blog ni da berhabuk n patot bungkus je bwak balik nepal...kan?kan?
urmm..nak citer pe ye?oh now i remember..tadi i hang out with my friends kt jj..
jj pon da muak nak tengok mke ak..haha..well..bosannn kott..
taktau nak buat ape..nak tengok citer merong tapi bile nak tengok je..
mase die da lepas..takde rezeki..sedih la jgak..tapi nak buat camne..
akan ku usahakan nak tengok jugak citer tuhh..
selepas itu..ak pon jenjalan la dengan miss N,S,A..x boleh reveal name..
hehe..P n C~!
so tu je la ak nak citer..
k la..bubbye..
take care..
love u all..:D<3